This eSurgery course is a comprehensive and engaging resource that equips trainees with the knowledge required to practise safely as a surgeon.
The course takes you through :
- Relevant to early years surgical trainees across the world
- Written by experts from The Royal College of Surgeons
- Highly interactive content, with videos, animations and questions
€104 *excluding VAT
Payment Methods
- Payzone: MasterCard, Card Visa
- Direct Bank Transfer: Moroccans can also pay by cheques, cash, Wafacash, or Cash plus
- Paypal: Visa Card, MasterCard, Maestro Card, American Express Card, (you can pay with your international Card if you don’t have a Paypal account)
coupon : TEN
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Course description
Interactive training on surgical skills
eSurgery is a web-based educational tool that helps to develop the basic knowledge and skills required of a surgeon. It is suitable for healthcare professionals globally.
A high-quality course on surgery:
The programme specifically supports practitioners in the early years of surgical training and it provides broad theoretical knowledge common to all surgical specialties. eSurgery has been developed by The Royal College of Surgeons of England and Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare.
Written by surgeons for surgeons globally:The clinical content, which is mapped to the Joint Royal College of Surgeons’ specialty training curriculum, covers topics such as basic surgical skills, peri-operative care and organ/tissue transplantation. It has been written in the UK by highly experienced, practising surgeons. Interactive features, such as video/audio clips and animations, help to explain the complex surgical principles involved.
Fit the learning around your busy life:You can access eSurgery online and study at your own pace in the workplace, at home or on the move. The learning can be tailored to your training needs, and the sessions can be completed in any order.
Learning Path
- Importance of Homeostatic Control Unlimited
- Abdominal Viscera: Appendix Unlimited
- Development Embryology of Heart and Great Vessels Unlimited
- Upper Limb: Upper Arm Unlimited
- Abdominal Viscera: Large Intestine Unlimited
- Lower Limb Foot Unlimited
- Autonomic Nervous System (part A) Unlimited
- Autonomic Nervous System (part B) Unlimited
- Abdominal Viscera Biliary Anatomy Unlimited
- General Surgery Unlimited
- Breast Disease Unlimited
- Peripheral Vascular Disease Unlimited
- Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Disease Unlimited
- Genitourinary Disease Unlimited
- Trauma and Orthopaedics Unlimited
- Skin, Head and Neck Unlimited
- Genitorurinary Disease: Testicular Pain Unlimited
- Neurology and Neurosurgery Unlimited
- Endocrine Unlimited
- Wound Management Unlimited
- Incision and Closure of Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Unlimited
- General Scoring Systems for Assessment of Injured Patients Unlimited
- General Paediatric Trauma (Special Considerations) Unlimited
- Shock Unlimited
- Indications for Using Uncrossed Matched Blood Unlimited
- Wounds and Soft Tissue Injuries: Unlimited
- Fractures Unlimited
- Burns: Classification and Management of Burns Unlimited
- Organ Trauma Unlimited
On completion, you can download and print off a certificate that is endorsed by the relevant professional body.

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What people are saying
“I found the course useful and interesting, in particular pronunciation and listening/writing exercises were extremely relevant for me, even if I found it very challenging.”
Arianna Di StadioMedical
“The course has helped to use English in such specific medical situations, I’ve never thought of before. It was very useful to listen to various dialogues with native speakers because it gave me opportunity to pick up many phrases and collocations which are used in real conversations.”
Jake RomeroMedical Student
"I would totally recommend it to others as this course was so useful and full of details that we might not take it fully in uni plus its enjoyable."
Hanin AlhootiStudent
"I would like to say thank you for the course. I think this course helps a lot for international nurses especially pronunciation but it was very helpful in every aspect. Interactive, relevant and excellent. I absolutely recommend this course to others as it focused to the point and pretty useful. It covered every language skills, interactive and realistic."
Valeria SzaboStudent
“This course provided me with all information that I had been struggling with before I took this course… it is really a rewarding and inspiring course with wide range of valuable information.”
Dr Hanna RomanenkoOET medicine candidate
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