Allied Healthcare Diagnostic Radiology Diagnostic Radiology and Medical Imaging Abdominal Radiology Cardiothoracic Radiologya Cardiovascular Radiology Chest Radiology Emergency Radiology Endovascular Surgical Neuroradiology Gastrointestinal Radiology Genitourinary Radiology Head and Neck Radiology Interventional Radiology Musculoskeletal Radiology Neuroradiology Nuclear Radiology Pediatric Radiology Radiation Radiology Vascular and Interventional Radiology Abdominal Radiology Cardiothoracic Radiology Cardiovascular Radiology Chest Radiology Emergency Radiology Endovascular Surgical Neuroradiology Gastrointestinal Radiology Genitourinary Radiology Head and Neck Radiology Interventional Radiology Musculoskeletal Radiology Neuroradiology Nuclear Radiology Pediatric Radiology Vascular and Interventional Radiology Dental Cone Beam CT Radiological Interpretation(Assistant Dentistry) Diagnostic Radiology(Medical) Endovascular Surgical Neuroradiology Diagnostic Radiology(Nursing) Endovascular Surgical Neuroradiology Medical English
The demand for radiography has grown dramatically over the last few years. Medical imaging plays a vital role in the modern healthcare, with almost all patient pathways reliant on an effective service to improve patient outcomes.
Radiography is increasignly internationalised, driven by research, new technologies, a globalised workforce and an ageing patient population with changing health needs.
English for Radiography s a unique online course written for professional and student radiographers.
It teaches the language you need to practice effectively in this international world - whether it be treating patients in English, keeping up with new research or attending conferences.
€36 *excluding VAT
Payment Methods
Payment Methods
- Payzone: MasterCard, Card Visa
- Direct Bank Transfer: Moroccans can also pay by cheques, cash, Wafacash, or Cash plus
- Paypal: Visa Card, MasterCard, Maestro Card, American Express Card, (you can pay with your international Card if you don’t have a Paypal account)
- Western Union: You can send us your payment through Western Union to the name “HASNA CHEKAIRI“

coupon : TEN
€36 *excluding VAT
Unlimited Duration
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Course description
English for Radiography is a unique online course written for professional and student radiographers, to learn the English you need to work and study in Radiography
This 30-hour, online course has been created for people working in or studying radiography who want to use English more proficiently at work, in research or in their studies.This English course covers the language you need to describe and discuss important areas of radiography, including:- Role and responsibilities
- Patient communication in multiple scenarios
- Safety in radiography
- Diagnosing and monitoring
- CT scans
- Training and skills
- Payzone: MasterCard, Card Visa
- Direct Bank Transfer: Moroccans can also pay by cheque, cash, Wafacash or Cash plus
- Paypal: Visa Card, MasterCard, Maestro Card, American Express Card, (you can pay with your international Card if you don’t have a Paypal account)
- Western Union: You can send us your payment through Western Union to the name “HASNA CHEKAIRI“
Learning Path
- The job 00:00:00
- The training and skills you need 00:00:00
- Safety in radiography 00:00:00
- Patient communication: a patient history 00:00:00
- The chest and ribs 00:00:00
- Respiration 00:00:00
- Diagnosing and monitoring 00:00:00
- Patient communication: instructing the patient 00:00:00
- The CT scanne 00:00:00
- Having a CT scan 00:00:00
- The contrast medium in CT 00:00:00
- The uses of CT 00:00:00
- CT or virtual colonoscopy 00:00:00
- Patient communication: CT scans 00:00:00
- What is magnetic resonance imaging? 00:00:00
- The uses of MRI 00:00:00
- Future developments in MRI 00:00:00
- MRI and patients 00:00:00
Are You Ready To Start?
What people are saying
“I found the course useful and interesting, in particular pronunciation and listening/writing exercises were extremely relevant for me, even if I found it very challenging.”
Arianna Di StadioMedical
“The course has helped to use English in such specific medical situations, I’ve never thought of before. It was very useful to listen to various dialogues with native speakers because it gave me opportunity to pick up many phrases and collocations which are used in real conversations.”
Jake RomeroMedical Student
"I would totally recommend it to others as this course was so useful and full of details that we might not take it fully in uni plus its enjoyable."
Hanin AlhootiStudent
"I would like to say thank you for the course. I think this course helps a lot for international nurses especially pronunciation but it was very helpful in every aspect. Interactive, relevant and excellent. I absolutely recommend this course to others as it focused to the point and pretty useful. It covered every language skills, interactive and realistic."
Valeria SzaboStudent
“This course provided me with all information that I had been struggling with before I took this course… it is really a rewarding and inspiring course with wide range of valuable information.”
Dr Hanna RomanenkoOET medicine candidate
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