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Cours en Ligne

Plateforme e-learning Numéro 1 pour tous les professionnels de la santé

Anglais pour les Médecins (100 heures/9 mois d’accès)

This Online English for Doctors course enables you to learn the English you need to study and work in an English-speaking healthcare environment.

The course takes you through the language you need to use throughout the patient journey, from admission to interview, diagnosis, treatment, surgery and end-of-life care. The units cover medical terminology, patient and staff interactions, hospital language and much more.

During the course, you study all aspects of medical language, including pronunciation, grammar and functional skills. The course has a practical focus and is regularly reviewed so the content is always relevant and up to date.

You can use the course wherever you have an internet connection. The different inputs and activities are short and focused, so even 10 minutes will be enough to learn some useful language.
    Payment options:
  • Option 1: spread the cost. 50% in advance and 50% at the end of the first trimester.
  • Option 2: take English for Doctors course, with English for Radiography course (Apply coupon : doctorsradiography) ;OR; with English for Pharmacy course (Apply coupon : doctorspharmacy) and receive 5% discount.

Anglais pour les infirmiers(ères) (100 heures/9 mois d’accès)

Communicating accurately and effectively is critical to the safety, care and wellbeing of patients.
This 100-hours, online course teaches the English that nursing professionals and students need to communicate effectively in all essential situations at work, including key patient interactions, clinical pathways, giving accurate handovers, drugs calculations, post-operative and end-of-life care.

The course is designed for nurses with intermediate (B1 – B2) level of English who work or study in English.
The course is easy to use, enjoyable and, above all, practical.

    Payment options:
  • Option 1: spread the cost. 50% in advance and 50% at the end of the first trimester.
  • Option 2: Take the English for Nurses course, with take English for Radiography course(Apply coupon : nursesradiography) ; OR; with English for Pharmacy course (Apply coupon : nursespharmacy) and receive 5% discount.

Anglais pour la radiographie (30 heures/3 mois d’accès)

The demand for radiography has grown dramatically over the last few years. Medical imaging plays a vital role in the modern healthcare, with almost all patient pathways reliant on an effective service to improve patient outcomes.

Radiography is increasignly internationalised, driven by research, new technologies, a globalised workforce and an ageing patient population with changing health needs.

English for Radiography s a unique online course written for professional and student radiographers.

It teaches the language you need to practice effectively in this international world - whether it be treating patients in English, keeping up with new research or attending conferences.

Anglais pour la pharmacie (20 heures/2 mois d’accès)

Pharmacy is a trillion-dollar industry where the lingua franca is English.

If you want to discuss pharmacy and pharmaceutical processes in English effectively and confidently, this is the course for you.

This 20-hours, online course is designed specifically for those working in pharmacy or studying pharmacy who want to use English more proficiently at work, in research or in their studies.

At the end of this course, you will have learned the English you need to discuss pharmacy in many areas. You will also have created the basis for further, more detailed English language study in specialist fields.

IELTS Préparation pour le Test Académique (50 heures/3 mois accès)

This Online IETLS Preparation enables you to achieve a score of 6.0 to 7.5 in the IELTS Academic English test.

If you need a high score in IELTS for study or professional reasons, then this course will help you.

This online course teaches you the language, the techniques and the strategies you need to maximise you score.

Written by expert IELTS writer and trainer, Annelie Phillips, this online course teaches you everything you need to know to score between a 6.0 and a 7.5 in the Academic IELTS test – the language, the techniques and the strategies you need to maximise your score. It includes expert insights, multiple practice activities, explanatory videos and model answers. It is the perfect preparation for your IELTS test.

There are 2 complete practice tests, written by a highly experienced test writer and taken under timed conditions, so you can really see how you might perform in the official test. Writing and Speaking answers are recorded so you can ask a teacher to review and mark them.

Préparation au test professionnel (OET) pour les médecins(100 heures/9 mois d’accès)

Reach OET B Medicine is for doctors who are preparing to achieve a B grade in the Occupational English Test.

Reach OET B Medicine has been updated with additional study material and test practice, so you really get what you need to achieve the score you want in OET Medicine.

This 60-hours online course gives you the language skills and the test techniques and strategies to achieve a Grade B in each of the four papers in the OET Medicine test.

    Payment options:
  • Option 1: spread the cost. 50% in advance and 50% at the end of the first trimester.
  • Option 2: take the OET for Doctors course with the English for Radiography course (Apply coupon : oetdoctorsradiography); OR; with the English for Pharmacy course (Apply coupon : oetdoctorspharmacy) and receive a discount of 5%.

Préparation au test professionnel (OET) pour les infirmiers(ères) (100 heures/9 mois d’accès)

Reach OET B Medicine is for nurses who are preparing to achieve a B grade in the Occupational English Test.

Reach OET B Medicine has been updated with additional study material and test practice, so you really get what you need to achieve the score you want in OET Medicine.

This 60-hours online course gives you the language skills and the test techniques and strategies to achieve a Grade B in each of the four papers in the international Occupational English Test (OET).

    Payment options:
  • Option 1: spread the cost. 50% in advance and 50% at the end of the first trimester.
  • Option 2: take the OET for Nurses course English with the English for Radiography course (Apply coupon : oetnursesradiography) ; OR; with the English for Pharmacy course (Apply coupon : oetnursespharmacy) and receive a discount of 5%.


This Audiology course is an excellent resource for anyone keen to enhance their knowledge on Audiology.

The course takes you through :
  • High-quality training for audiologists, general practitioners and nurses globally
  • Packed with interactive features, such as animations and questions
  • Approximately 50 hours of online learning

RGPD Avancé (Gestion)

Cette formation avancée GDPR approuvée par l'IIRSM est destinée aux employés qui doivent non seulement connaître leurs devoirs et responsabilités en vertu du GDPR au Royaume-Uni, mais aussi ceux qui appliquent ou gèrent la protection des données sur leur lieu de travail.
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