How can I pay ?
To make life easy for you, which is why we established our company in the first place, we offer you different 5 ways and types of payment, so you can use whatever is best for you.
Please, check each section to have more information about each section.
Please, do not forget to contact us for any minor or major issue or problem you face, we are always happy and ready to help you.

If you are from Africa you can simply pay with Payzone, using your: MasterCard or Card Visa
How to ?
1- After you fill all the information in the Checkout page, just choose the option Payzone, then click Proceed to Payment.
2- It will lead you to another screen where you can finish filling your Payment information.
P.S: Please contact us if you have any problem in Payment.
Paypal is a know and secure way of payment.
You can use Paypal if you have a Paypal account, but also you can pay through Paypal even if you don’t have a Paypal account, just use your international Card.
International Cards accepted: Visa Card, MasterCard, Maestro Card, American Express Card.
How to ?
1- After you fill all the information in the Checkout page, just choose the option Paypal, then click Proceed to Payment.
2- It will lead you to another screen where you have to choose the Email that you are going to choose to complete your payment.
3.1- If you have a Paypal account then Connect with it and continue the Steps.
3.2- If you don’t have a Paypal account then just pay with the second option that allows you to pay with your international Credit Card.
P.S: Please contact us if you have any problem in Payment.
You can make your payment directly into our bank account if you are unable to pay directly using our payment processing solution provided by our partners PayPal or PayZone.
Please use your Order ID as the payment reference. Your order will not be activated until the funds have cleared in our account.
Please find below the details bank :
RIB : 007 787 0000175000002780 22
Moroccans can pay by Check and Cash, Wafacash, or Cash plus
P.S: Please contact us if you have any problem in Payment.
Send money easily and securely with Western Union. Just send the price of the course you want to pay for, to the name : « HASNA CHEKAIRI«
P.S: Please contact us if you have any problem in Payment.
In this option you can simply come to our office and hand us the price for the courses you want to get.
P.S: Please contact us if you have any problem in Payment.