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Nos Outils

Plateforme e-learning Numéro 1 pour tous les professionnels de la santé

For Better Health Academy

makes it easy to create interactive content by providing a range of content types for various needs. Preview and explore these content types below.

We are FOR BETTER HEALTH, a Healthcare specialist company that is based in Morocco as an African Hub and led from UK. Training and Professional Development are among the three main components of our activity in addition to consultancy and technology solutions. (www.forbetterhealth.co.uk)

Our multi-disciplinary team of doctors, nurses and IT specialists based in UK and Morocco delivers quality training to Healthcare professionals and organisations, particularly in French and Arabic speaking countries in Africa and Middle East.

Our providers are hand-picked and have excellent track in developing and delivering training to doctors, nurses and other Healthcare Professional in the UK and elsewhere based on the latest pedagogic methodologies.

We are proud of our state-of-the-art e-platform, FOR BETTER HEALTH ACADEMY that delivers training in many different ways, heightens the imagination and creativity of the providers and widely accommodates learning styles of the participants.


Interactive Video

Create videos enriched with interactions

Course Presentation

Create a presentation with interactive slides

Branching Scenario

Create dilemmas and self paced learning

Content Types


Create vertically stacked expandable items

Advent Calendar

Create an advent calendar


Create a sequence of images that gradually change

Arithmetic Quiz

Create time-based arithmetic quizzes

Audio Recorder

Create an audio recording


Quickly generate bar and pie charts


Create a collage of multiple images


Column layout that includes different content types

Dialog Cards

Create text-based turning cards


Create a dictation with instant feedback

Documentation Tool

Create a form wizard with text export

Drag and Drop

Create drag and drop tasks with images

Drag the Words

Create text-based drag and drop tasks


Create essay with instant feedback

Fill in the Blanks

Create a task with missing words in a text

Find Multiple Hotspots

Create many hotspots for users to find

Find the Hotspot

Create image hotspot for users to find

Find the words

Grid word search game


Create stylish and modern flashcards

Guess the Answer

Create an image with a question and answer

Iframe Embedder

Embed from a url or a set of files

Image Hotspots

Create an image with multiple info hotspots

Image Juxtaposition

Create interactive images

Image pairing

Drag and drop image matching game

Image Sequencing

Place images in the correct order

Image Slider

Easily create an Image Slider

Impressive Presentation

Create a slideshow with parallax effects

Interactive Book

Create courses, books or tests

KewAr Code

Create QR codes for different purposes

Mark the Words

Create a task where users highlight words

Memory Game

Create the classic image pairing game

Multiple Choice

Create flexible multiple choice questions

Personality Quiz

Create personality quizzes


Create a questionnaire to receive feedback

Quiz (Question Set)

Create a sequence of various question types

Single Choice Set

Create questions with one correct answer

Speak the Words

Answer a question using your voice

Speak the Words Set

Summary Create tasks with a list of statements


Create tasks with a list of statements


Create a timeline of events with multimedia

True/False Question

Create True/False questions

Virtual Tour (360)

Create interactive 360 environments

Interactive Video

Create videos enriched with interactions

Course Presentation

Create a presentation with interactive slides

Branching Scenario

Create dilemmas and self paced learning

Advanced fill the blanks

Fill in the missing words



Use external videos inside your course


Use external courses you like with your course

Live Meeting

Have live meeting with students


Create assignment the student can work for

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