Our CDM Regulations Training covers everything you need to know about planning, managing, and maintaining everyone’s safety throughout a construction project. With CPD Accreditation and IOSH Approval, this course will help guide you towards compliance with current legislation. Understand the CDM Regulations and learn how to effectively plan your projects with this short course.
The importance of CDM Regulations Training : It’s important that you comply with the law and understand the positive impact this training course can have on your organisation and employees.
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Course description
LEARNING OUTCOMESUnderstand the CDM regulations to help you and your employees work towards compliance with the legislationLearn how to PLAN your projects to assemble the right pre-construction informationLearn how to MAINTAIN a safe working construction siteABOUT THIS COURSEThe construction industry is arguably one of the most dangerous sectors to work for. To put that statement into context, consider the fact that construction accounts for about 5% of the total UK workforce, yet it’s responsible for 31% of all workplace fatalities. On top of this, there are also 64,000 non-fatal injuries requiring medical treatment and 81,000 cases of work-related ill health every year – at a cost of £1 billion in lost working days.It’s for this reason that the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations were first introduced. Construction projects often involve the use of dangerous equipment, materials, vehicles, and locations; they often involve working at height, near or over large drops or open bodies of water; or on incomplete structures which may topple or collapse – so when you combine this with the fact that worksites also tend to be filled with many different people all working on separate tasks, it’s easy to see where accidents can happen.The CDM Regulations help make the chaos of a construction project controllable – from start to finish and beyond. By creating roles and responsibilities for key duty holders throughout a construction project, they ensure that Health & Safety protocols are effectively managed by the right people, and that they are communicated to and followed by everyone.This CDM Training course breaks the regulations down into three simple sections; the roles and responsibilities of everyone involved; what needs to be planned for at each stage of a construction project; and what needs to be considered in order to keep a construction site safe.We offer a range of construction specific courses including LOLER, PUWER, Working at Height and Ladder Safety Training. Take a look at our Construction Health & Safety Courses to see more!CERTIFICATEDOWNLOAD AND PRINTEach of our courses ends with a multiple choice test to measure your knowledge of the material.This CDM Regulations Training course concludes with a 20 question multiple choice test with a printable certificate. In addition, brief in-course questions guide the user through the sections of the training and are designed to reinforce learning and ensure maximum user engagement throughout.What does my certificate include?Your CDM Regulations Training Certificate includes your name, company name (if applicable), name of course taken, pass percentage, date of completion, expiry date and stamps of approval or accreditations by recognised authorities.WHY IS THIS TRAINING IMPORTANT?COMPLIANCEIt's important that you comply with the law and know the ways in which it affects you and the way you work.The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015BUSINESS BENEFITSTo help make construction projects safer and easier to manage, the CDM Regulations place an emphasis on cooperation between workers, managers, and project leaders.This means greater transparency and accountability, resulting in safer working practices; it means improved design and construction solutions as valuable skills from across the board are more easily shared; it means reduced delays as potential setbacks can be addressed more dynamically throughout a project; and, ultimately, it leads to reduced costs as mistakes, problems, delays, stoppages, and accidents can be more easily avoided. It’s important for everyone to understand their role under the CDM regulations and so taking the time to train staff is absolutely essential.
Learning Path
- CDM Regulations Course Unlimited
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What people are saying
“I found the course useful and interesting, in particular pronunciation and listening/writing exercises were extremely relevant for me, even if I found it very challenging.”
Arianna Di StadioMedical
“The course has helped to use English in such specific medical situations, I’ve never thought of before. It was very useful to listen to various dialogues with native speakers because it gave me opportunity to pick up many phrases and collocations which are used in real conversations.”
Jake RomeroMedical Student
"I would totally recommend it to others as this course was so useful and full of details that we might not take it fully in uni plus its enjoyable."
Hanin AlhootiStudent
"I would like to say thank you for the course. I think this course helps a lot for international nurses especially pronunciation but it was very helpful in every aspect. Interactive, relevant and excellent. I absolutely recommend this course to others as it focused to the point and pretty useful. It covered every language skills, interactive and realistic."
Valeria SzaboStudent
“This course provided me with all information that I had been struggling with before I took this course… it is really a rewarding and inspiring course with wide range of valuable information.”
Dr Hanna RomanenkoOET medicine candidate
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